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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Clutter Clean Time

We all know that Spring is the time to clean out all the clutter in your home, garage and car.

Surely this is something that should be done year round and yet we procrastinate enough during the winter months that nothing is done. Well, I can't say nothing. I can say we add to the clutter.

If we get rid of but one item a day, it will make a difference. sounds simple enough.

A rapid fire way to get rid of Stuff is to have three boxes. Write on each of them one of these words. Toss, Keep and Sell. That seems simple enough too, but this one takes a lot more time.

However, what if you have become attached to most of these things. Well, that sure makes it harder to get rid of them. One way would be to take pictures of the loved object and toss or sell the real thing.

Have a yard sale if you really must get something (money) for you objects. Anything that doesn't sell you might feel is an omen that you should get rid of it because no one seems to want it. It can't be worth what you thought it was. Of course, it might make you feel it wasn't ment to be sold and you should keep it. I have been in this situation. I have actually brought some things back in the house...thankfully, not a lot of things.

I just bring this up because I am going through clutter clean again this year. It seems to happen every Spring like clockwork. I think I am getting better at getting rid of unused and unloved junk that I have put in boxes to keep for when we move to a bigger house. This is just one of the excuses I have used. Now I am saying. I don't want to haul all this stuff to a new house.

Think about how your home would look without some of it. Wouldn't you feel relieved knowing you have donated those old clothes, dishes, draperies, ornaments and more to Goodwill. Someone will make good use of them and see them as something affordable and new for their home.

Okay, I'm off to go through some more drawers and closets. Make some room for new things that will surely turn up after you get rid of the old stuff.

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